Nightclub Design

Miami Furniture Design: Skwehr Design

[caption id="attachment_158" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="Collaboration: Collins and Fortis"] Joinery Detail My friend Tim Collins of Skwehr Design wasn't always my close friend. The design community is a small one here in Miami and when I came to this Island of South, beach that is, I was astounded by my inability...

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The most spectacular nightclub EVER

The cameo nightclub was just a beta test for this behemoth Truthfully, I was going to take today off. We all worked in the studio late crunching out a deadline for CRUNCH and had to make a fed ex deadline by 2pm. Side bar: Hire a design/architecture firm that works on...

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Nightclub and fitness design: CRUNCH

Preliminary Crunch South Beach PT barBigtime Design Studios has recently been chosen as the design firm to handle the complete re-branding of the national fitness brand Crunch and their new vision. Described by former brand manager of Morgans Hotel Group, Tim Miller as "the apex where nightlife and fitness combine" this...

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Nightclub Design and Where To Get It?

Perfect. You've now negotiated a great lease based on 6% of gross. You have gotten the normal and yes, I do mean NORMAL 90 day buildout from your landlord and now you are ready for the next big step. Unless you are a seasoned operator and concept...

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So, you wanna be in the nightclub business! (part 1)

So, you want to be in the nightclub business? Or rather you want to open your own restaurant. You've traveled, you've bought bottles in all the hipster clubs, you've analyzed your market and now your ready to make the plunge. Where do you start? Do i...

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Greatcrasher aka. Gatecrasher

Simon Raine is a genius and he knows nightclubs and nightclub design. When Simon gave me the keys to his $8 mil, and yes that is $8 mil re-branding of his design driven super club. I had no idea he was as big a visionary and had cajones the...

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